Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Content with my share of life

As I watch my baby girl Raevyndaun grow up, I can't help but wonder how could I possibly help create something so wonderful and perfect.Since the day she was born she has amazed me in so many ways. She changed my life and my views on life. Watching this little angel grow and learn and see everything for the first time, just takes my breath away. The first time she smiled at me, my heart melted and was pieced back together only with the materials from her love. I find myself now more in love than I have ever been in my life. The way she understands and grows so much each day, I can't find the words to describe it. I am so much better with her in my life, and can't remember a time before her and couldn't imagine one without her. She is my love, my heart, my soul. My husband Kenn gave her to me, and before I thought I loved him, this has set everything in place. To love someone is amazing and I have shared that with Kenn, but when you are given a gift such as a little breathing form of life, the love is then intensified and greater than any one of us. I have such an amazing little family. I never dreamed my life would be so perfect, to have the love of these two amazing souls, for myself is ore than I could have ever dreamed. As for my mother, she has taught me so many things, that I have and will continue to pass on to my little one. The love she ahs always given me and the courage, respect, and support has made me very lucky. Luck, I always thought my luck was terrible, but when you think about it, having a loving amazing perfect family makes us the luckiest of all. I have the love of my brother and my sister, to them I always looked up to and admired. Angie with her being so aware of herself, so smart and so beautiful. My brother Ellis also knowing who he was, and has always been just so cool to me! They have both been a huge part of my life, and I am who I am because of each of these amazing people in my life. I am proud and very lucky, and content in this place I call my life, for once and it is amazing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

my halloween wedding

So everything is just going amazing! We only started planning this about 3 weeks ago, and it is comming together very nicely. We have all of our invitations out and most have said they are going to attend. We are having it at the Arizona's Scream Park. If anyone wants to go through all three houses they can pay 20 dollars for the speedy ticket(it is usually 15 dollars each house and wait in line) this way they are escorted to the front of the line. After the ceremony and haunted houses, we are comming back to my place for trick or treating for the little ones, then a reception to follow. This has jsut been amazing what has been done in so little time. First off my wedding cake is going to be fabulous, and the best part is it will be free! I have picked out lots of decorations and and everything, all that is left is the reception food. I have had so many people work with me to make this how I wanted it. I am just so stoked. Have a lot of thigns planned for the reception that should be fun! I need more ideas lol

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So happy

So today was a very long but awesome day! Kenn and I went to Arizona Scream Park, to go over wedding plans. They said they were actually voted one of the top ten scariest attractions on the travel channel. We made it a for sure thing today, so that was awesome! I had an appointment with the des and they had moved, then we had to come all the way back close to home and sat there for just hours...On the plus side the lady at party city gave Raevyndaun her first pink balloon! Her and Kenn went walking around there for a bit! Raevyndaun has been making so many new faces, noises, and motions! She has now started kissing! I have so tired so I am going to bed! Good always follows the bad.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sleepy Sleepy

So this morning is going a bit slow, so far. I have some things to actually do today! YAY for getting out of the We are going to see Mama at work today, Raevyndaun will think that is fun. I am thinking baout going to take my placement test at the school as well, hopefully that goes well.

So I have been making wedding plans!!! Kenn adn I are getting married on halloween. It is going to be so much fun, and I look forward to starting. SO EXCITED!! Not sure what Raevyndaun will be, but I definatley want her in it somehow. I need to figure out what to do, how to do it, when, and where to do it! I love planning thigns like this lol.(even though this is my first time )

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rants, raves, and happy days!

Well I woke up this morning at about 7. Raevyndaun is on her hands an knees looking at me through the crib. I go and get her and she is just ready to play! I have so much fun with her, an excuse to be a little kid. She has now started to copy the motions of your mouth when you speak, soon she will be telling me about everything, I would hope.
Raevyndaun and I went out back to work on the garden a little bit. I was cutting the grass and picking through weeds, when to my surprise a huge dried out BUG flew up in my face...I thought I might have a stroke, so the baby and I are taking us a nice little (time to forget) break!

* The past couple of days, I have been trying to delete the drama in my life. Life is too short to live being angry and hurtful all of the time. I wish everyone would do the same. Fighting and arguing over lame things, is just a waste of time, that I could spend playing with Raevyndaun or teaching her something new. With this said...bring on the zen!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Living in peace!

So Mama and I have been working in the backyard, making it awesome! Cody actually came and spent the night and helped, (He is so smart and so handsome)! We have made lots of difference, and made a little garden. I am excited to see what we do next, just doing a little throughout the day. This will be great when it's all finished. Raevyndaun has started practicing her words this morning. She is watching us talk and moving her mouth practicing how to form them. I can't wait to hear what she has to say! She just grows so beautiful, and smart everyday! So Kenn and I have been talking about what we want to do in the future. We are looking into a tattoo license, what you need to do, how much, and how long. I am going to take the placement test for college one day this week, so hopefully that will not be too much of a buzz kill lol. I am thinking maybe be an RN, so I know all about the body and infections and things. When Kenn gets his tattoo license I can get my piercing and we want to open a little shop.It is going to be awesome, we have lots of ideas, we are going to start saving a little for it! That's about it for now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Getting back in the "groove"

I am so excited about Raevyndaun's progress, she is doing so many new things! She has been eating baby cereal, I have been mixing it with baby food. She has been eating about one small jar a day....yesterday she had three jars! I was so proud of my litt big girl, she also got her first sippy cup! She has been saying all sorts of things, ma-ma, da-da,ba-ba(when she is demanding her bottle lol) even grandma!! I feel she really knows what she is trying to say. AWESOME accomplishment. I want to keep track of days and everything of her progress, this is how I will do it! I can't wait for the next thing!